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Pedestrian Safety Walkway Markings

A builder’s yard with no safety markings can be confusing and somewhat dangerous. By creating designated safety walkways and stickmen within them to clearly identify pedestrian walkways, we can create a safer environment for both motorists and pedestrians.


The surface has been swept clean of any dust or dirt and torch dried where any damp patches are visible. A layer of tack coat is then applied to the surface where the yellow thermoplastic is to be installed.

Stickmen are positioned at the beginning of the safety pedestrian pathways and where traffic is likely to cross, this highlights the walkways and really benefits new users, both foot traffic and vehicle users.


A yellow hatched are can be found in front of warehouse entry points, these markings are installed to make pedestrians aware that there could be moving vehicles at this point and this area is not to be blocked by vehicles or any other objects.


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